AI Reflection

Overall, my use of AI has been relatively light over the course of time in BUS330. I have major ethical qualms with using AI and, with recognition that AI is the new normal by many standards, I don’t foresee using it in the future unless required by external factors.

ai effectiveness

Within entrepreneurship and management, AI would best be used to predict patterns in gauging customer interest, exploiting algorithmic tendencies, and to optimize scheduling—both internally with shifts and labour, and externally with inventory re-ordering and output management. Essentially, the most effective use of AI would be to handle the data analysis to optimize organizational activities and their timing.

new skills and ethical ai use

The first time I used AI for this course, I had a conversation with ChatGPT about the ethics of AI. In that conversation, ChatGPT continually asserted that it is generally ethical to use AI even though it could not tell me from where it gains its information. Despite ChatGPT’s claims that all of the information it provides is ethically sourced, I have no real data to support that claim which I generally take issue with. The inability to track down and source the information provided is a red flag to me: it is vitally important (especially in an educational context) to be able to trace down facts to the source documents, studies, or articles.

Thus, I used ChatGPT primarily for edit suggestions. I wanted as much of the output as possible to be based on my input for the sake of content integrity and to ensure sound academic practices. I am simply uncomfortable with the use of others’ work within my own — with or without my knowledge.

Editing using AI was very interesting: frequently, ChatGPT would change information in my text to be incorrect likely because (to the AI) it sounded better based on its training material. It was a very unique skill to gain, combing through the edits not only to see what was different but also to see what of the new information was incorrect in ways that disagree with the correct information I presented.

future skill development

There are certainly improvements that can be made to my AI skills. I have merely tried out AI through this course and have had relatively limited experience with it as, for reasons that are largely outlined above, I have little interest in pursuing or using AI further.

To get results I’m looking for, my prompts could certainly be phrased better. My standard edit prompts were similar to “edit for clarity” which I found mainly just made the words simpler or shorter, though also simplified sentences that were certainly over complicated and too long.

I’m generally uninterested in improving my AI skills but improving my ability to craft succinct and specific prompts would also relate to other skills around concision in language which would certainly be helpful elsewhere. I continue to improve my lexicon and ability to use hyper-specific language which is generally a major area of effort towards improvement that has been on my mind for a number of years.